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Plastic Surgery Surging To Record High Demand Amid Pandemic



(San Fransisco, CA) — While many industries are suffering and changing course during the pandemic, there’s a boom in demand for plastic surgery. Dr. Larry Fan is a San Fransisco based plastic surgeon who says he’s absolutely seeing this trend on a local level.
Over the last nine months, more people are lining up for consultations and getting procedures done. One of the main drivers of this boom is the sudden focus on outward appearance due to increased camera time on programs like Zoom. Dr. Fan says people are motivated to book now because there’s more down time for recovery and the ability to work from home while recovering more comfortably without going into the office.
San Fransisco based plastic surgeon Dr. Larry Fan says the most popular treatments are focused on improving the face and body treatments are also seeing a demand.
Dr. Fan says the people who are looking to change their appearance are taking advantage of the down time to get work done.

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