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On-Air Now

Students at a La Verne high school are remembering a teacher who died over the weekend trying to save a stranded hiker.



By Kevin Tripp, KABC

Hector Varela is one of the students at Damien High School who says his teacher Tim Staples was a great person.

”He was always someone I looked up to. He was a true role model for me. Someone that I wanted to model myself after.”

Staples died on Saturday during a search on Mt. Baldy for an Irvine hiker who went missing over a week ago. Officials say the 32-year-old fell down an ice chute after becoming separated from other members of the search and rescue team. Fellow teacher Quincy Sims says the recently married Staples was a wonderful person.

”This is the type of young man, that if I had a daughter, I would like her to marry.”

The search for the missing hiker is being suspended.