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White House says COVID is in ‘downward trajectory’, but Fauci has yet another view of mask wearing at Super Bowl parties



(Washington, DC) — White House coronavirus coordinator Jeff Zients says we are “at war with this virus” and this is clearly a national emergency. CDC Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky says overall case numbers are decreasing and we appear to be in a consistent downward trajectory. However, Walensky said now is not the time to let our guard down because cases still remain extraordinarily high. Dr. Anthony Fauci says Americans must wear masks and avoid indoor gatherings or else the virus will mutate.

Ben Shapiro’s Daily Wire offers a great breakdown- and it is a breakdown- of Dr. Fauci’s tough-to-follow guidance–read it here:

Candace Gordon Copyright © 2021 TTWN Media Networks Inc./KABC