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So-Cal ICU Capacity Expected To Top 15% In 4 Weeks



Editorial credit: Amir Mardani / Shutterstock.com

(Los Angeles, CA) — Southern California\’s collective intensive care unit capacity is expected to climb past 15-percent in four weeks. This according to projections released by state health director Dr. Mark Ghaly [[ Gally ]] on Tuesday. The eleven-county region was put under a regional stay-at-home order in early December after there were less than 15-percent of ICU beds available. About a week later, the collective capacity hit zero-percent. But, those restrictions were rescinded on Monday, largely because of these promising calculations. Ghaly says the forecast was made using six different mathematical formulas that took key metrics like transmission and new hospitalization rates into account. Each of those numbers have been falling for about a week now.


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