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Money Key Issue in LAUSD Strike



More than 30,000 LAUSD teachers could go on strike early next year.

Alex Caputo-Pearl, the president of United Teachers Los Angeles says the issues on the table go far beyond teacher salaries.

“They’ve put on their document that they submit to Los Angeles County, that they had a one-point-eight-six billion dollar reserve a few months ago, and then last week, at the school board meeting they stated that it was one-point-nine-eight billion. That has not been significantly allotted. They did offer to open the books. We immediately took them up on that and said we would like to do that. They have not responded. So that was not a genuine offer on their part. In fact, we’ve been putting in public records requests consistently and those have not been responded to regarding a variety of other documents.”

Caputo-Pearl was a guest on 790KABC.


By Christina Kelley, KABC News.