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Outgoing L.A. County Sheriff concerned about successor’s lack of experience



Los Angeles County Sheriff Jim McDonnell will hand over the reins to Sheriff-Elect Alex Villanueva next Monday.

The outgoing sheriff says he’s proud of his record of achievement.

”I’d say we’ve been able to achieve ten years of change in four years. That’s painful, but it was necessary for the people of Los Angeles County.”

He said the department’s new human trafficking bureau has become a model for law enforcement agencies around the country.

He says the learning curve for his successor will be steep – while the transition time will be short for people who will be running a huge law enforcement agency.

“The challenge is many of the people coming don’t have that level of experience, or even close to it, and so the briefings are difficult because there’s a giant learning curve.”

Sheriff Jim McDonnell was a guest on McIntyre in the Morning.

By Sandy Wells