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Malibu Times publisher offers recovery steps for fire victims



Malibu Times publisher Karen York lost her home in the 1993 fires in Malibu. The Woolsey Fire is still burning in Los Angeles and Ventura counties.  She attended a meeting for evacuated Malibu residents Tuesday night in Santa Monica.  She says people expressed anger and frustration with the lack of practical information offered by L.A. County and city officials.

“I think it might have been a mistake shaping the meeting the way they did, because people are really hungry to know what to do now. And they really sort of focused on what they did then.”

She says that with social media, sharing information is much easier now than it was following the 1993 fires, but face-to-face meetings are also very important.

“There’s already groups in the community. Different individuals are taking leadership into various communities to make sure they’re providing this kind of space and information sharing and certainly the Malibu Times wants to be part of that.”

After the devastating Malibu fires of 1993, she created a list based on her experience to help people put their lives together after fire ravages their community and destroys their homes. It’s posted in the Malibu Times:


Karen York was a guest on McIntyre in the Morning.

By Sandy Wells