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Think Tank Says California is One of the Least Free States



California ranks near the very bottom of the list when it comes freedom.

The annual CATO Institute freedom index reports the golden state as the 48th least free state when it comes to fiscal policy, regulatory policy and personal freedom. CATO Institute’s adjunct scholar Jason Sorens lists the fall out as a result.

“In fact, California has lost population on net to other states. I don’t think that’s a secret. Over the last 15 years, California lost 6% of it’s population on net on moving to other states. And, California’s economic growth rate has actually been below average over the long term. If you look over the last 15 years, California has actually grown less fast than the national average.”

So, where does California rank in the top 5 when compared to the rest of the country? Highest state income taxes, debt, and land use-freedom among other things.

Sorens was a guest on McIntyre in the Morning.


Sharon Reardon, KABC News