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On-Air Now
The KABC News Blitz
5:00 pm - 6:00 pm

Police Union President says proposed use of force reform endangers cops’ lives



Police say a police reform bill in Sacramento is bound to endanger the lives of police officers.  Assembly Bill 931 would replace the reasonable force standard with allowing cops to use lethal force only when necessary.
Craig Lally President of the Los Angeles Police Protective League, says the proposed legislation was crafted by the ACLU.
“The ultimate goal of the ACLU on this bill is to incarcerate police officers.  This bill will either cost police officers their lives or their jobs.  It’s the ultimate in Monday morning quarterbacking.”
The bill was drafted in response to the death of Stephon  Clark – a black man shot and killed by pursuing Sacramento cops as he reached into his belt for what turned out to be his cellphone.
Proponents of the bill say their goal is to prevent officers from making the snap judgments about suspects that often have deadly results.
Craig Lally was a guest on McIntyre in the Morning.
By Sandy Wells